Lawrence 3-8 Uniform Policy: Included TUSD Dress Code
Based on grade level, every student is required to be in school uniform unless. Teachers are expected to check for uniform compliance at the beginning of the day. Every effort will be made by the morning support staff to identify students out of uniform, so class time is not disrupted. Students who wear sweatshirt tops will be expected to show the collar of their top if requested by a staff member. Students out of uniform compliance will be sent with a pass to the Dean of Student’s office for consequence process. Depending of availability, the student may receive a school uniform for the school day.
Grades 3-5
Tops: Maroon or white collared shirts
Bottoms: Navy blue pants*, short, skorts, jumpers or skirts. Shorts, skorts, jumpers and skirts must be longer than the length of the longest finger when arms are straight at the student’s sides.
Grades 6-8
Tops: Maroon, white or black collared shirts
Bottoms: Navy blue or Khaki pants*, shorts, skorts, skirts, or jumpers. Shorts, skorts, jumpers and skirts must be longer than the length of the longest finger when arms are straight at the student’s sides.
*Navy blue pants do not include jeans in any form. Jeans are not allowed.